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From 60 years’ experience in catering

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Conor is always at the forefront when it comes to fresh packaged and ready-to-eat fruits and vegetables. With 60 years of experience in the fresh or cooked packaged and ready-to-eat fruit and vegetables sector for the catering industry, Conor really understands the needs of all types of cuisine and is therefore able to offer a bespoke consultancy service to identify the right type of product for each customer. 

Over the years, Conor has learnt that saving time is a crucial factor for catering companies in order to optimise business costs.

By listening to the needs of caterers, a tailor-made solution was created: two lines of fresh or cooked packaged and ready-to-eat fruits and vegetables. In this case, we are talking about the Fresco Senso line of fresh packaged and ready-to-eat foods.

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fruit bowl fourth range

Fresh or cooked packaged and ready-to-eat vegetables: a process of care and selection

How are cooked, packaged and ready-to-eat vegetables produced? Our wide range of traditional fresh vegetables is packaged in practical bags or containers of varying weights: all in accordance with the highest standards of hygiene, food safety and quality. Vegetables are harvested when fully ripe, cleaned of any residue, disinfected, cut and pre-cooked if necessary.

And what about freshly packed, ready-to-eat fruit and vegetables? Conor offers a complete range of fresh packaged and ready-to-eat fruit under the Fresco Senso brand: there are around 35 products selected according to the highest quality standards; the fruit is washed, sanitised, cleaned, portioned and packaged in a dedicated factory owned by the brand.

The processing of fresh packaged and ready-to-eat fruits and vegetables requires the management of the entire product development process, from the selection of raw materials to production, with great flexibility in terms of product, timing, packaging and weight; fresh packaged and ready-to-eat fruits and vegetables must also be supported by a research and development team.

Conor's fresh packaged and ready-to-eat fruits and vegetables are convenient, practical and above all safe. The focus is always on product quality, guaranteed by rigorous analytical testing throughout the production chain.